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"A Buddhist Bible"
by Dwight Goddard

A Buddhist Bible is an extensive collection of Buddhist teaching, and has introduced many people to the life and words of Buddha.

The Buddhist scriptures that have survived these thousands of years, contain a degree of inaccuracy, distortion, and fantasy, however, if you read with a conceptual basis in reality and Truth, and perhaps a degree of intuitive understanding, you will be able to focus upon the wisdom that remains. The Christian Bible is plagued with the same problem. Centuries passed before the words of Buddha and Christ were committed to writing, and their teachings did not survive without innocent error, ignorance, intentional distortion, and fantasy.

The book A Buddhist Bible is under copyright, so it cannot be posted here for free, but you can obtain a copy through Amazon, at the link provided below. Our Church Temple receives no money when you buy a copy, but our service provider, who helps us greatly without charge, receives a very small commission.

"Sadhana: The Realization of Life"
by Rabindranath Tagore

Sadhana is a beautiful and inspirational book, which fuses many fundamental principles of Buddhism and the Upanishads, in a manner that was clearly written from both the mind and the heart, and that reflects a certain understanding and intuitive sense of That which lies beyond oneself. It is both uplifting and challenging: uplifting in a way the reader will come to understand, and challenging to the natural tendency to retract from Where it leads. We hope you find it helpful.

The copyright on the book expired many years ago, therefore, it is now in the public domain, and is free to make available to others.


The Sanctuary is a place for worship and fellowship with a shared goal of spreading faith to those searching for meaning. Although each church has it's own religious focus, they peacefully and loving coexist and cohabit the Sanctuary.




Spiritual Sancutuary
 Worshiping at the Bridge

5601 S Puget Sound Avenue

Tacoma, WA 98409

© 2018 by the Spiritual Sancuary

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