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It may be helpful for humanity, over the coming centuries and millennia, if this wisdom and knowledge of the Highest Possibility of mankind, were offered to those involved in cosmological, medical, psychological, and sociological research. One initial problem lies with the vocabulary I must currently use to communicate the essential facts, concepts, and principles of the Way of Freedom. Hard science is worthy of the highest respect, while religion and spirituality have become havens of mostly fantasy and nonsense. Some of the terminology I currently use, such as God, Sacrifice, Faith, Prayer, Incarnation, and other words found in a few religious and spiritual traditions, immediately and understandably trigger aversion in most people who think realistically. The Way of Freedom is not based on belief, but on real experience, similar but not identical to any science, but until a language can be discovered to convey the reality of the Higher Possibilities of mankind to the scientific communities, the Teaching will not be seriously considered much outside religious and spiritual circles. People are not necessarily Destined to live as animals and monsters, but can far exceed their natural origin. The planet can truly be Heaven on Earth. That seems a worthwhile goal for traditional and emerging sciences, and for humanity.

Perhaps, before my death, I will be able to find or generate the appropriate terminology and writing to communicate at least some of the physiological and structural correlations to Growth and God-Realization, in order to at least provide a place to start serious enquiry, investigation, and research. The physical correlations of the ego at the base of the brain-mind, and the heart of love and conscience in the chest, could be those starting points. However, the wisdom and knowledge about this Great Thing, the Creative Principle that Pervades and Sustains all space and form, will be much more difficult to present to scientists and other researchers, in such a manner that the topic gains much interest, much less so that it can be the subject of traditional scientific investigation. God Itself cannot be located, observed, experienced, or measured using natural scientific methods of enquiry; only some of Its effects on form and the physical body. Even areas of reasonable natural investigation seem at times to go unnoticed, such as the fact that science often excludes space itself from cosmology and the instance of creation, and the fact that space is infinite, so any attempt to broaden their scope or deepen their thought, may be difficult, considering those and the several other intellectual hurdles and natural biases that would need to be overcome. Perhaps the matter will have to remain accessible only in the realm of religion and spirituality, but hopefully not. That would be a tremendous loss for humanity, is the greatest of understatement. Without knowledge and understanding of the one Higher Life, and the heart of love and conscience, human beings are destined to continue creating suffering and torment for themselves and others, until they possibly destroy the very life on Earth they have been Given.


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