Spiritual Sanctuary
Jivana: Life, Giving Life, and Existence
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus (John 10:10)
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." Jesus (Matthew 22:32)
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Jesus (Luke 17:20-21)
Jivana is a very common and powerful term from the ancient Sanskrit language. Translated into English, Jivana literally means life or giving life; more broadly, Jivana also means existence, or that which is Created. Jivana is a word that is literally thousands of years old, and you can search the internet for references to the ancient language of Sanskrit, and find hundreds of beautiful Sanskrit terms that are still being commonly used today, such as Jivana.
We use the term Jivana frequently in our teaching, and would like to offer some clarification of this ancient word, and our meaning and use of it. The serious student of life requires evidence and reason, and sees the grave error in living life based on mere belief or wishful-thinking, which is nothing but fantasy. You are free to believe anything you choose, but your belief does not make it true outside your mind, as objective truth. Subjective reality does not indicate or create objective reality. Living by reality and real experience within and without, requires great courage, and few are equipped to live thusly, which is one reason human culture is in such horrendous condition. This essay contains a message of real hope, hope that is based in reality and real experience, and not in a fantasy religious or spiritual belief-system.
This planet, and the whole of existence, is not a mere stopping-off place, on the way to somewhere better after death. It is not a place of preparation, wherein you are being molded, refined, or tested, to determine where you are fit to go after you die. Life is going nowhere else. It is what it is, today, here and now.
That fact is very hard for most people to accept, because, in their mind, their suffering and problems require some "pay off" later-on. They assume: "There must be something good that is going to come out of all this." In other words: "There must be some reward coming later for me, for going through all this torment." And finally: "This cannot be all there is." In response to those statements: Are you sure? Why not? Because you want the universe to operate differently, because you think your endurance of suffering must be rewarded later-on, therefore it surely must? The reality is: suffering has no future reward. (But, suffering can have great value and utility, in your life, as you will come to understand.)
The idea that "life must have a purpose" is related to the notion that "suffering must be rewarded," in that it too is actually saying that something better must be coming later-on. A "purpose for life" does not imply the here and now, but later, the future. Life must be moving to "something else" other-than what it is right now. For many people, that "later-on" is in some form of imaginary after-life. The here and now is far too unpleasant for "this to be all there is," so "there must be a purpose" for all this misery and trouble, and that "purpose" of life is erroneously thought to be coming later-on. The reality is: life has no purpose. (But, you will also discover something much better than mere purpose.)
Furthermore, if the Creator had Designed a purpose for your life, a reason for your life beyond this moment, do you not think that your purpose would have been made obvious to you? Why would a Creative Force and Intelligence, call it God if you wish, Design you with a purpose in life, and then not directly and clearly tell you what it is? Why would God Create you with a purpose, and then hide that purpose from you? Would that not be the most cruel of jokes?
As already mentioned, the underlying presumptions behind wanting a "purpose in life" are dark and negative. Even if a hypothetical future purpose were discovered, the person would soon fall into great hopelessness and despair, again asking: "OK. I now have my purpose in life. Is this all there is?"
The fact that you may now be feeling angry, or at least deflated or a little discouraged, may indicate that you have consciously or unconsciously lived your life based on those presumptions and fantasies. If those assumptions were based in reality, if you actually knew and felt complete certainty in your convictions, then why would merely reading these words cause you any degree of anger or upset? Would you not just laugh, and discontinue reading?
Therefore, if your endurance of suffering will not be rewarded in the future, and if life has no purpose beyond this moment, if both suffering and life are not going "somewhere else," then what is all this about? The answer is very, very powerful, for someone who understands. The good news is, indeed, very good news. Moreover, the news is far, far better, and far, far more positive and exciting, than a single, dry, dark, boring, convergent, pre-determined purpose for life. Robots and other machines have a purpose; people do not.
You are not only alive, but you are a special and important part of life, in the universe. In fact, the Design of a human being makes you unique in creation, with characteristics and aptitudes that most people do not know they have, and that cannot be found in any other known living creature.
Human life has no purpose, and that is very good news. What is far better than a mere robotic purpose in life, is that the human being has great possibilities, here and now, and not only in the future. Life has not a single purpose, but many wonderful possibilities, for your present life, today. The many positive possibilities in life create a mind-set of openness, divergence, hope, and excitement, and are full of life; whereas, the presumption of "perhaps finding my purpose one day," or "maybe something good will come out of all this misery," arise from a mind-set of life narrowing down to a closed pre-determined destiny, a destiny discovered while converging and squeezing through a small dark tunnel to a single point, and are the foundation for a very dull, dreary, and hopeless existence.
Humanity has tremendous and obvious capabilities that separate them from the animals, such as unmatched creativity and intelligence. Most people also have a heart of love and conscience, which can guide people in how to treat one another, if they feel and listen to it, also not found in animals. You can use any or all of those capacities in your natural life, and have a much better life, now. (The sociopath has no heart, since it died long ago, if it ever existed. The heart of the entrenched narcissist is asleep, as if in a coma, and rouses only on rare occasion. Therefore, it cannot be said that all people have a heart of love and conscience, only most people.)
However, you have another possibility, and it is the Highest Possibility of mankind. This All-Pervading Intelligence, Force, or Designer and Creator of the universe, has Given the very mind, heart, nervous system, and physical body of mankind, the capability to at least have a real living relationship with That; and also, if the individual so chooses, to eventually become One with It. No other known being has these two Possibilities: a real living relationship with That, or becoming Identical to That, in and as the Eternal and Infinite Consciousness. For reasons that the serious student and seeker will come to understand, the real relationship with God must come first, and then, depending on how far he is willing and passionate to go, God-Realization can unfold.
To digress a moment and provide some definition: The term "Eternal Consciousness" does not denote a consciousness of the linear eternity of time, but that, paradoxically, Eternity becomes Realized in this moment, as this moment, as the Eternal Moment. This cannot be understood until the fullness of true God-Realization, and will remain mere words and mental imagery until that Event. The descriptor "Infinite Consciousness" is, however, without paradox, and literally denotes the Infinity of Consciousness, but, likewise, cannot be understood without becoming That, upon the Death of separation, the individuated consciousness, and thus limitation and suffering.
The churches and spiritual organizations are filled with people who like to believe that "I already have God in my life," which implies that they believe they already have a relationship with That. But, what evidence do they have to realistically support that idea? It is usually no more than a belief, a mere idea that gives them some feeling of consolation, even though it is nothing but fantasy, much like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for children. Belief is fantasy and wishful thinking, whereas, along the Way to and in the Higher Life, real Faith in present and future events within and without, is based on prior evidence. (Consider the people who become angry or at least offended upon reading this paragraph. If their "relationship" with God felt real and certain to them, they would merely walk away, with little reaction except perhaps pity and prayer for the "ignorance" of the author.)
How does a person first enter into such a real and living relationship with the Transcendental, the Divine? What does it actually mean for him, in his real personal experience and daily life? Then, how does he find true God-Realization?
Return for a moment to the fact that many people hope to get a future reward, for their endurance of their present internal suffering and external problems: "Surely something better must be coming later-on, maybe after I die." Also remember how others are looking for their "purpose" in life, something "else" they are "supposed" to be doing, other than the miserable or unsatisfactory life they have now.
However, if you look a little deeper at the psychology and motivation underlying the anticipation of future-reward, and the search for hidden-purpose, you may soon realize that people are asking the wrong questions. Seeking a reward "later-on," and looking for one's "purpose" in life, are not going deep enough, and do not address the driving force behind those questions. People are unhappy. They are suffering inside, and not only because of external events. The inherent human need for happiness is at the root of wanting a future reward for enduring suffering, and is at the root of wanting to find one's purpose in life. The reward you seek for enduring suffering is happiness, or you assume that you will be happy if you can only find your purpose in life. Either way, you are seeking happiness, and you are seeking happiness due to your underlying, or very conscious, continual feeling-state of suffering or, at best, your feeling-state of mediocrity. You actually want happiness, and you want it now, not later-on as a "reward," and not later when you find your "purpose" for living. The reward you seek is preferably in the present, and it is happiness; and your purpose in life is also that of finding happiness, also preferably in the present, and to the degree that you believe it is achievable. It is part of the Design that human beings seek happiness; they just have their methodology backwards.
If you were, right now, in this very moment, Perfectly Happy, Perfectly Blissful, you would have no thought or care about finding future-reward or hidden-purpose in life.
People are not happy, yet they continue to live the same natural way of life, day-in and day-out. The ordinary, religious, and spiritual masses are on the treadmill of the natural seeking-cycle, and, instead of relieving their suffering, they maintain and increase it. The error is simple, but profound in negative results: instead of letting-go of the cause of suffering and mediocrity, their fear and clinging which are seen as self-feeding and self-protection, they continually reinforce it. The misguided attempt to relieve or lessen suffering, whether through ordinary, religious, or spiritual means, is the very way of life that is in fact maintaining and increasing the suffering.
Fear and clinging, seen as the subtle and gross actions of self-feeding and self-protection, are at the root of suffering, and that is the essence of the natural way of life, the natural seeking-cycle, of the masses. I term it the natural seeking-cycle, first because they repeat the same steps over-and-over, every day, of attempting to find happiness through the countless means of self-feeding and self-protection; and because it never works, and because they know no other way, they continue the same pattern of fear and clinging, of self-feeding and self-protection, only occasionally changing how it looks on the surface. Second, it is natural for people to continually engage the same essential action of fear and clinging, to continually feed and protect self. However, most people do not see that it never works to adequately lessen suffering or the neutrality and mediocrity. Those who do begin to believe that "happiness is impossible or rare," may resign themselves to a feeling-state of neutrality and mediocrity at best, and will merely occasionally engage some stimulation or distraction, some activity or drug, to make it temporarily bearable, waiting until death ends it all. You may remember the often-repeated idea: doing the same thing over-and-over, and expecting different results.
Right now, at this moment, you are feeding, feeding on the Teaching of Life and Freedom, you are taking it in, and I am facilitating it, but in the attempt to help you interrupt your natural seeking-cycle, and to begin living the opposite Way, which is to begin the Unnatural seeking-cycle. It is ironic that the student of life must feed in order to stop feeding: feed on God in order to understand how to eventually Dissolve in Him. That does not sound attractive to you, the ego. You would rather feed on Happiness, and then do it some more, and while remaining intact. People have and will try to use the Unnatural Way as part of their natural seeking-cycle, as part of their self-feeding and self-protection, but it never succeeds over the long-term, since the two are diametrically-opposed in principle and in action. Also, the Metaphysical Laws will not allow it, not for very long.
The Unnatural Way involves increasingly living by Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, which are the opposite of fear and clinging, the opposite of self-feeding and self-protection. Only then, can you make room for That which is Other-Than you and your natural ways; only then can you make room, first, for a better life, and, eventually, for Happiness.
Suffering or mediocrity, and the drive for happiness, compel both the natural and Unnatural seeking-cycles. The only difference is: one works and the other does not. I previously mentioned that there are possibilities in life, not rewards or purposes. These are the two general possibilities in life: the natural seeking-cycle, or the Unnatural seeking-cycle. There are many, many ways and avenues though which a person can fulfill the natural seeking-cycle, as evidenced by the innumerable endeavors people pursue every day. But, there is only one Unnatural Way, only one Way of letting-go and being relieved of the life of suffering and mediocrity. You can at least have a better life through the Unnatural Way, and eventually Realizing Freedom is also possible. Both, a better life, and Realizing Freedom, unfold while active and relational in the world. The Unnatural Way is the antithesis of withdrawal, which shuts-out rather than allows God. Your suffering will not be rewarded, but it can compel you, and can guide you, in realizing your Highest Possibilities. Suffering can guide you in how, and how not, to live the Way of Freedom.
Yes, the suffering is rightly compelling you to seek happiness for yourself, and that is natural and normal, but you eventually come to understand, through much trial and error, and frustration, that the Unnatural Life is not about realizing personal Happiness, but about Freedom. The personal Happiness is merely an effect of Freedom. To seek personal Happiness is, in essence, more clinging to self and the body, and is more self-feeding, and thus more limitation and suffering, and, therefore, shuts-out the very God and Happiness you seek. Seek Freedom, not Happiness; the Happiness will be there, but not as yours to own, control, and enjoy, but perhaps to share.
The Happiness of Perfect Freedom is not going to be Realized in the present, since much preparation and transformation must first occur before that Event, but you can, today, begin to be increasingly relieved of the primary and secondary suffering and mediocrity of egoity, arising from fear and clinging, and realize a far better life than you ever imagined.