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Life and Freedom:
The Eternal Way of Life
and Liberation, Here and Now


Serving Since 1988


Our Church organization is a religious and charitable institution, dedicated to the research, study, expansion, deepening, clarification, and teaching of Buddhist, Spiritual, moral, psychological, scientific, and religious principles that tend to Uplift humanity, and to the financial and practical support of other organizations, groups, and individuals whose values and activities reflect those ideals. The Temple Foundation has been established, under the auspices of our organization, to serve those needs. Our organization has been serving since 1988, and has branches, members, and students worldwide.

Study: Please feel free to read the many, many pages of teaching materials that are already posted, by visiting the active links above. Some of the pages on our website offer definition and clarification of the Sanskrit terminology we often use, along with the corresponding principles from the teaching. We will have all the public areas of our website completed and posted soon. We had hundreds of pages of written teaching posted on our public website for many years, but our website has been undergoing a significant expansion and transformation, and all of the older materials will be re-posted in the public areas, along with hundreds of pages of newer materials, when the technical work is completed. The original, older teaching materials, and much more newer teaching, will be included when our new website is completed. We also plan to format and provide most of the known ancient Buddhist scriptures, also called Sutras, here on our website; those links are not yet active. Please do not write to the Church and ask for more teaching materials to be sent directly to you, since all the publicly-available materials are already posted, or will be posted, here on the public area of our website. Thank you for your understanding.

Copyright Notice: The written materials we are providing, are offered freely and at no charge for the benefit of the relatively few serious seekers of the Higher Life. But, the materials on our website are under copyright. Do not plagiarize or reproduce any of the materials we are providing. The only material on our website that is not copyrighted, is the PDF book titled "Sadhana," which you can find at one of the links above, and can reproduce and distribute freely to others.




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