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The Metaphysical and the Paranormal

The term Metaphysical literally means "beyond the physical:" Meta-physical. The history of investigation or consideration of that which is Metaphysical, regardless of terminology, can be traced back thousands of years, into the earliest periods of recorded human existence. Regardless of their modern-day ignorance and delusion, the well-known spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and Christianity, and other ancient philosophies, have as their basis, the recognition, or at least the possibility, of a Great Something that underlies and pervades physical existence: the Meta-physical.

However, Metaphysical may be better defined as "other-than the physical," rather than "beyond the physical," since That which is truly Metaphysical pervades the physical, while being exactly opposite to the physical. If creation were not other-than or opposite to the Creator, there would be no creation: creation would all be only the Creator, which it obviously is not.

Science requires experience: verifiable and repeatable experience and evidence. Serious investigation into the Metaphysical is likewise not based on belief or mere intellectual or logical exercise, but on real experience. The human being, unlike any other known part of creation, has the capability to conduct such investigation, and our organization seeks to share that which we have learned over these many years of serious enquiry, work, and struggle.

The popular spiritual circuit has distorted the pure and original meaning of the word Metaphysical, such that, if you mention the word Metaphysical to someone, he or she will immediately think of astrology, psychic phenomena, ghosts, some form of an after-life, or even aliens, or any number of other possible notions that are considered Paranormal. Walk into any "Metaphysical" bookstore, and you will most likely see nothing or very little that pertains to serious and scientific investigation into the very essence of oneself and existence. That is due largely to simple ignorance, which can be easily helped with information and experience.

This organization offers a Way that can positively affect one's real life, and that is far more substantial and decisive in result, to those very few who are so inclined to learn and discover more. Some may agree, that there could be no better use of our time, in spite of the many problems that most people create for themselves and for others, than to seek the fundamental nature of ourselves and objective existence, during our short stay here on this planet.


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