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"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Jesus (Matthew 7:13-14)


Moksha is a common term from the ancient Sanskrit language, and, translated into English, means spiritual freedom or liberation. Moksha is a word that is literally thousands of years old, and you can search the internet for references to the ancient language of Sanskrit, and find hundreds of beautiful Sanskrit terms that are still being commonly used today, such as Moksha.

Based on our study and experience, we feel that the term Moksha has lost much of its original and eternal meaning for Spiritual seekers and students of life. Many people, upon hearing the words liberation or freedom, assume that the word Moksha has to do with personal independence, or freedom from outside threat, to live your life as you choose, as long as you are hurting no one else in the process. However, the term Moksha has nothing to do with the ability to move about freely, and to do with your own person, property, and wealth as you choose, even though that would be a moral way to live and organize human culture, in contrast to the world today.


Others assume that Moksha has to do with an after-life, such as a heaven somewhere else, or "reincarnation," or "other" planes of existence, and that human life and creation are a mere preparation for something better "later on." Those ideas are also false, as well as irrational.


The Liberation of Moksha, is far, far deeper and richer than political and social freedom, without devaluing the possibility and morality of human freedom in contrast to the democratic tyranny under which we currently live. Moksha, in its purest meaning, also has nothing to do with the imagination, or with an imaginary after-life, or with "reincarnation," or with being free of this earth-plane in favor of "another" plane of existence.


Moksha is the freedom of mind and heart from the clinging to oneself, and freedom from the clinging to the external world of form; or, stated another way, Moksha is freedom from clinging to the things and ways of nature within and without. Moksha is, in essence, freedom from the subtle and core-level mechanics of clinging, and freedom from the underlying fear which causes the clinging. Moksha is freedom of mind and heart, based on the eventual "turning-about" in the deepest seat of consciousness. It is the irrevocable death of the separate or isolated consciousness.


Many sincere seekers have come to believe that Moksha, or true Spiritual Freedom, is achievable only after death, in some form of after-life. That is not true. Your life, and all its Higher possibilities, are here and now.


Moksha is Realized in the here and now, during your brief lifetime, through profound Sacrifice, Faith, and Prayer, and, above all, Grace. The one Path to true Moksha is the most difficult endeavor a person can undertake, and requires the dedication of one's life to the goal, above all else, and while alive and living in the world. True Moksha, God-Realization, and Incarnation is a rare Event in human history, even though it is possible for humanity, by Design. The subject matter affects the evolution of mankind, and is far too important for polite statements that avoid the real yet unpleasant truth: the overwhelming majority, almost all, of the many spiritual teachers or seekers on the planet who claim to be "enlightened," are either deluded from sheer ignorance, or are consciously aware that they are charlatans. That is the fact. Most of those are simply innocently deluded, and are merely among "the blind leading the blind," but a small percentage are intentional charlatans. If the reality of mankind, and his Higher Possibilities, and the Path of and to the truly Higher Life, were prevalent, at least in the many spiritual organizations and groups on the planet, the world would not be the vicious place it is today. But, the leaders are either lost or evil, and so their students or followers do not realize their potential, and so remain themselves lost, as well as contributors to the amorality of human interaction and culture. Some atheists and agnostics are far more principled, high-minded, good-hearted, moral, and trustworthy, than some religious or spiritual people. You are not already Enlightened, Free, and Blissful. If you were, you would not be seeking, you would not be looking for anything or anyone of a spiritual nature, and you would not be reading this material. You would not be seeking to feed self through any ordinary or spiritual endeavor, but here you are, doing just that: grazing the internet for this and other forms of feed. Honesty with yourself and God is a necessary preparation for the Way, and for your entire life to Freedom.


Moksha, Nirvana, God-Realization, Enlightenment, Freedom, or Ego-Death, or whatever you choose to call It, is not a shift in consciousness, or a change in perception. It does not come and go; It is not temporary. It is not a samadhi or satori experience, as profound as those can seem at the time. It is not an intuitive experience, an understanding, an insight, movement of energy, thoughtlessness, silence of mind, sense of peace, concentration, good feeling, a psychic phenomenon, rational conclusion, or a belief. There is not you "over here," and God-Realization "over there." You are not seeing Ego-Death, the Dissolving of you. In fact, It is not an experience, comprehension, insight, seeing, hearing, sensing, idea, or feeling at all. It is not subtle.


The Event I am referencing as Ego-Death, Freedom, or God-Realization, is literally, from your current perspective, a pervasive and extraordinarily-powerful change in the body, mind, and heart. Yet, the Event is not primarily or most-powerfully a small, local, personal matter, but, since that is your current level of life, understanding, and interest, I must try to meet you where you are, and address it there. Therefore, do not allow My attempt to describe God-Realization with language and detail as it relates to this world of form, and particularly as it relates to you personally, to create an image in your mind that Ego-Death is mainly about you. (Of course, naturally, at this point in your life, everything and every topic is mainly about you, or it is of no interest.) Language is of this world of form, and is created by and for the form-based conceptualizing mind, so language is necessarily inaccurate and inadequate to convey these Highest Metaphysical Truths.


God-Realization is none of that. Literally nothing that you currently feel to be "you" is left over. Nothing of your current state and ways remains. Nothing. Remember: God-Realization is about God. It is not about "your" Realization of God. The "you" does not Realize God, since you are precisely that which was preventing the Realization of God. God-Realization is not you looking into God, and is not you being God. God-Realization is not about you Realizing God. God-Realization is God being God. God-Realization is God. God-Realization is only God.


Now, from your perspective, God-Realization means the Incarnation of God, merely through that which is currently your body, mind, and heart. God-Realization is not the betterment or enhancing of you. The Incarnation of God is still God being God, only through that space and form which you now occupy.

I cannot provide much more with language to help you understand the selfless essence of Realization and Incarnation. I hope you find the above attempt helpful.


Incarnation makes God available and powerful in this realm of space and form, and to the world at-large, and to serious seekers of Him in particular. That too is part of the Design, and is not a sign of failure on the part of humanity. Without Incarnation, the likelihood of others Realizing God is virtually impossible. Creation is necessarily opposite to God, and without Incarnation, the chasm cannot be crossed. God comes into your level, into your world, since you cannot, by your own natural intelligence, understanding, or effort, reach into His.


The Path to Moksha or Freedom is necessarily one and the same, throughout the eternity of time. The reason for such unbending consistency within the universe is discovered through both experience and logic. First: Man and God are always the same. The human structure of egoity, and his subtle egoic functions, as well as his Higher Possibilities, are always the same. And, the State and Force of That which we call God, and Its Metaphysical Laws and Workings, are always exactly the same. Man and God are always the same. Therefore, the way that man and God "interact" and "integrate" with one another is always the same. That is the simple logic. Second: The few true Incarnations who have lived, have described the same essential Path, even though profound differences in culture and thus terminology make that difficult to determine by the masses of seekers. Also, the ancient followers and adherents who have taken it upon themselves to preserve the Teaching of a previous Incarnation, have often altered the Teaching to fit their incorrect ideas of what the Incarnation meant. The Teachings were also often passed-down for generations by word-of-mouth, before being recorded in writing, which injected much inaccuracy, distortion, and often sheer fantasy. They unwittingly did a great disservice to humanity, usually under the good intention of helping. I am sharing the same Way of God-Realization, but the means exist today for the Teaching to be written in great detail by the Incarnation, and to be preserved exactly as it is being written. I am a living testimony to the eternal facts of the one Way, and, before my death, I am writing the Message, and I am freely offering that knowledge and understanding to humanity, as a clear and untainted record of the Path. But, most will scoff, and few will hear. The human structure is always the same, as is God and His Way. On rare occasion, the two meet and Integrate.


The suffering that people inflict on themselves is not necessary, and much of what they do to one another is immoral. There is a better Way. I weep. I weep for the world. I weep for you. I weep. And I write. I love you.













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